Number of items: 91.
Abdullah, Putri Allana and Juhary, Ali
Shared Leadership and Organizational Performance in DKI Jakarta.
In: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Zuhriyah, Nur Azizah and Juhary, Ali
The Effect of Self-Efficiency on Employee Performance in Cooperative at Bali.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Warsiyah, Warsiyah and Juhary, Ali
Bibliometric Analysis: Developmental Theory of Research Studies The Growth of SMEs in the Last Five Years.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Waluyo, Waluyo and Juhary, Ali
The Mediating Tax Complexity on The Influence of Tax Fairness and Transparency on Tax Compliance in Small and Medium Enterprises at Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Utami, Pertiwi and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
The Role of Government and Good Governance in BAZNAS with Trust as Moderating: A Conceptual Perspective.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Sungkowo, Sungkowo and Juhary, Ali
The Role of Madrasah Principal and Human Resources Development in Improving the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah at Central Lampung.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Saputeri, Noorikha Pandayahesti and Juhary, Ali
Financial Performance Analysis of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Risna, Meilia and Juhary, Ali
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Indonesian Post Office Employees.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Purnamasari, Femei and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
Training Method on Job Training Towards Competitive Advantage in Valuable Competence on Small and Medium Industries with Innovation Product as Mediation Variable.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Nurulia, Eki Tiyas and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
Analysis of the Influence of Financial Stability on Accounting Fraud (Farud) and Company Performance Improvement.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Khulsum, Umi and Juhary, Ali
The Effect of Auditor's Competence on Audit Quality Go Public Company in Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Intaratat, Kamolrat and Lomchavakarn, Piyachat and Ong, Eng Tek and Ng, Khar Thoe and Anggoro, Subuh
Smart Functional Literacy Using ICT to Promote Mother Tongue Language and Inclusive Development among Ethnic Girls and Women in Northern Thailand.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, ICONESS 2023, 22-23 July 2023, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
Hayati, Mardhiyah and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
The Power of Brand Image, E-Service Quality towards Purchase Decisions on e-commerce in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Fakhrurozi, Moh and Juhary, Ali
Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS): Returns and Social Programs in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali
Customer Satisfaction in Mediation the Influence of Service Quality and Customer Loyalty.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Aripin and Juhary, Ali
The Impact of Organization Citizenship Behavior on Quality Service in Padang Restaurant Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Amalia, Lutfi and Juhary, Ali
Survey on the Use of Digital Innovation for SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Al Moaiad, Yazeed and Abu Bakar, Zainab and Zamin, Norshuhani and Yahya, Yazrina
ISO 9126 Quality Model for Evaluating of Student Portal: Al-Madinah International University (Case study).
In: Kedah International Conference on Social Science and Humanities: 2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics (BIZFAME), 21-22 June 2023, UITM Kedah, Malaysia.
Asrul, Sani and Siti, Aisyah and Reida, Rachmawati and Dian, Ikha P and Ninuk, Wiliani
Analysis Of Decision Support Systems for Candidate Selection Scholarship Recipients Using TOPSIS Method.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2022, 16 April 2022, Semarang, Indonesia.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali and Tulus, Suyanto
The Customer Loyalty Research Trends: Bibliometry Analysis.
In: Prosiding The 2nd National Conference on Applied Business, Education, & Technology (NCABET), Unversitas Bina Bangsa.
A'ang, Subiyakto and Rohadatul, Aisy and Bernadus, Gunawan Sudarsono and Manorang, Sihotang and Didik, Setiyadi and Asrul, Sani
Empirical Evaluation of User Experience Using Lean Product and Process Development: A Public Institution Case Study in Indonesia.
In: The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference, 8 - 9 August 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Diena Rauda, Ramdania and Subaeki, B and L., Muliawaty and M. A, Ramdhani
Decision Support System Algorithm for the Beneficiary of Uninhabitable Housing Funds.
In: The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference, Bandung, Indonesia.
Undang, Syaripudin and Wildan Budiawan, Zulfikar and W., Uriawan and R. A, Nugraha
An Approach for Passengers Forecasting Using Fuzzy Time Series.
In: The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference, Bandung, Indonesia.
Asrul, Sani and T.K.A, Rahman and Nur, Nawaningtyas and Agus, Budiyantara and Ninuk, Wiliani
The Effect of Technology Readiness in IT Adoption on Organizational Context Among SMEs in the Suburbs of the Capital.
In: The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference.
Esa, Firmansyah and Muhammad Agreindra, Helmiawan and Ali, Rahman and Maya, Suhayati and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Examining Readiness of E-Learning Implementation Using Aydin and Tasci Model: A Rural University Case Study in Indonesia.
In: The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference, 8 - 9 August 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Sumiati, . and Hoga, Saragih and T.K.A, Rahman and Viktor Vekky, Ronald Repi and Agung, Triayudi
Classification of Cardiac Disorders Based on Electrocardiogram Data with Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) Algorithm Approach.
In: International Conference of Information Commisioners.
Anwar, Fattah and Resad, Setyadi
Determinants Effectiveness Information
Technology Governance in Higher Education
Institution (HEI) using partial least squares
structural equation modeling approach (PLS-SEM).
In: 2019 International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration, ICSINTeSA 2019, October 16-17, 2019, Grand Jatra Hotel Balikpapan.
Faiz, M. Kaffah and Mohamad, Irfan and Slamet, Cepy and Bernat, C. and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Implementation of the fuzzy logic for measuring instrument evaluation results in Information Security Index.
In: The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2020).
Muhammad Syarif, Hartawan and Ali, Rahman and Hoga, Saragih and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Model of Readiness and Success in Adopting Government Mobile (mGov) among Government Institutions in Indonesia.
Epatha, Leono and Aedah, Abd Rahman and Hoga, Saragih
Deep-Recurrent Neural Networks Approach for Indonesian Banks Term Deposit Interest Rates Prediction.
In: 5th International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS).
Buchori, Nur Syamsudin and Juhary, Ali and Aslam, Mohd Mizan
(I-iECONS 2021).
In: The International Islamic Economic System Conference – The 9th I-iECONS 2021.
Mohamad, Irfan and Hilman, Rismana and Muhammad, Deden Firdaus and Wisnu, Uriawan
Implementation of Simple Additive Weighting Method in Determination of Aid for Students From Low Socio-Economic Status Family.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology, ICONISTECH 2019, 11-12 July 2019, Bandung, Indonesia..
Asrul, Sani and Dian, Ikha P and Reida, Rachmawati and Ninuk, Wiliani and Indra, Samsie
The Influence of Developing an E-Business Adoption Model in Technological and Organizational Contexts in SMEs with TAM model: A Pretest Assessment.
In: Proceedings of the First Multidiscipline International Conference, MIC 2021, 30 October 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Rizkhita, Habib Muhtar and Yana Aditia, Gerhana and Dian Sa'adillah, Maylawati and Cepy, Slamet and Cecep Nurul, Alam and Wahyudin, Darmalaksana and Muhammad Ali, Ramdhani
Multinomial Naive Bayes and Rapid Automatic Keywords Extraction for Taharah (Purify) Law Chatbot.
In: ICONISTECH 2019, 11-12 July, Bandung.
Aedah, Abd Rahman
Quality Consideration for e-Learning System Based on ISO/IEC 25000 Quality Standard.
In: International Workshop on Experience with SQuaRE, December, 2019., Putrajaya, Malaysia..
Muhammad, Doddy and Juhary, Ali and Anton, Hindarjo and Cicih, Ratnasih
The Influence of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty on Brand Equity of Zakat Institutions.
In: The International Conference on Environmental and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19, ICETLAWBE 2020, 26 September 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Manaf, Khaerul and Cecep Nurul, Alam and Subaeki, B and Khaffah, M.F. and Ira, Rupaida and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Decision Support System for Determining Inventory and Sales of Goods Using Economic Order Quantity Methods and Linear Regression.
In: 6th International Conferenceon Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 3-4 September 2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
Lia, Kamelia and T.K.A, Rahman and Hoga, Saragih and Reni, Haerani
The Comprehensive Review on Detection of Macro Nutrients Deficiency in Plants BAsed on The Image Processing Technique.
In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 3-4 September 2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
Diena Rauda, Ramdania and Manaf, Khaerul and Fikri, Rahmat Junaedi and Fathonih, Ah. and Ana, Hadiana
TOPSIS Method on Selection of New Employees' Acceptance.
In: 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 3-4 September 2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
Khaerul, Manaf and S.W, Pitara and Beki, Subaeki and Faiz, M. Kaffah and Cecep Nurul, Alam and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Hybrid Model to Assess the Readiness of Information Technology Implementation in Islamic Banking Based.
In: 14th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications, 4 - 5 November 2020, Bandung, Indonesia.
Jufri, . and Aedah, Abd Rahman and Suarga, .
The Framework for Political Communication Text Mining Based on Twitter.
In: 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System, 27 - 28 October 2020, Manado, Indonesia.
Indra, Samsie and T.K.A, Rahman and Suarga, .
The Mapping of Organizational Culture to Find Determinant Factors for Behavioral Intention to USe in IT Utilization Among Credit Unions in Indonesia.
In: 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System, 27 - 28 October 2020, Manado, Indonesia.
Bernadus, Gunawan Sudarsono and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Benefit Realization Model of Information System Strategic Planning Success: A Proposed Model.
In: International Conference Recent Innovation (ICRI) 2018, Jakarta Hall Convention Center, Indonesia.
Muhammad Syarif, Hartawan and Maya, Dewi Dyah Maharani and Erly, Krisnanik
Structural Model of System Information for Management Innovation Ruminant-Slaughterhouse.
In: 2020 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS), 19-20 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Ninuk, Wiliani and T.K.A, Rahman and Suzaimah, Ramli and Asrul, Sani
Statistical lCharacteristics For Identification Defect of Solar Panel with Naive Bayes.
In: Statistical Characteristics For Identification Defect of Solar Panel with Naive Bayes, SOLO.
Asrul, Sani and T.K.A, Rahman and Aang, Subiyakto and Ninuk, Wiliani
Combining Statistical and Interpretative Analyses for Testing Readiness and IT Adoption Questionnaire.
In: Combining Statistical and Interpretative Analyses for Testing Readiness and IT Adoption Questionnaire.
Slamet, Cepy and Aedah, Abd Rahman and Muhammad Ali, Ramdhani
Concepts of Strategic Management of Information Technology.
In: 1st International Conference on Advance and Scientific Innovation (ICASI).
Cecep Nurul, Alam and Putra, S.J and Subaeki, B and Aedah, Abd Rahman and T.K.A, Rahman and Y, Suryana
Combining Readiness and Success Constructs for Exploring the Information System Implementation Performance: A Model Development.
In: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference.
Thi-Thanh, Quy Tran and Quoc-Tuan, Tran and Hoanh-Su, Le
An Empirical Study on Continuance Using Intention of OTT Apps with Young Generation.
In: International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering.
Wahidah, Mohd Zain and Amir Hussain, Md Ishak and Norkamarizal, Kamarudin and Aida Rashidah, Maajis and Nur Liyana, Abdul Halil
Users' and Librarians' Perceptions of School Resource Center KOHA Library Automation Implementation: A Case Study of School Resource Centre at Kolej Tingkatan Enam Petaling Jaya.
In: Seminar Kepustakawanan Memanusiakan Maklumat, Memperkasakan Masyarakat, 11-12 September 2019, Hotel Merdeka Palace, Kuching, Sarawak. Attachments area.
Anton, Hindarjo and Juhary, Ali and Cicih, Ratnasih
Zakat Payment Rate in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi).
In: ICIDS 2019, September 10-12, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam and Abdullah Alwi, Hj Hasan and Hendro, Wibowo
Maqasid Al-Shariah in Micro-entrepreneurs Development: an Overview.
In: International Conference of Zakat 2019 Proceedings, 3-4 October 2019, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.
M, Irfan and N, Lukman and A. A, Alfauzi and J, Jumadi
Comparison of algorithm Support Vector Machine and C4.5 for identification of pests and diseases in chili plants.
In: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference.
M. S, Hartawan and I, Mantra and I. W., Widi Pradnyana
Interpretative Analysis and Testing Statistics to test questions testing the Mobile Government questionnaire against the model of readiness and successful adoption,.
In: International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS), Jakarta, Indonesia.
M, Irfan and S.J, Putra
Combining Statistical and Interpretative Analyses for Testing IT Implementation Readiness.
In: 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference.
Cheng, Sheila and Chiang, Jeffrey C.L
Roles and Contributions of Private Tertiary Education in Malaysia.
In: International Conference on Nation-Building 2019, November 26-27, 2019, The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Cheng, Sheila and Siow, Heng Loke
The Empirical Study on Alternative Assessment of Portfolio Based on Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ambigaipagam, Nagasamy and Wan Fauziah, Wan Yusoff and Sivan, Rajah
Industry 4.0 Competence Model for Malaysia Industry4WRD.
In: 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, 10-11 April 2019, Granada Spain.
Anwar, Fattah and Resad, Setyadi
Determinants Effectiveness Information Technology Governance ,in Higher Education Institution (HEI) using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling Approach (PLS-SEM).
In: International Conference Of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration.
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam and Hendro, Wibowo
Productive Zakat Model for Micro-Entrepreneur Development.
In: 3rd International Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy (ZAWFI) 2019, 30 & 31 Oktober 2019, Dewan Muktamar ACIS, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA.
Noryati, Alias and Zainudin, Awang and Habsah, Muda
Policy content meaningfulness of school leaders in Malaysia: Exploratory factor analysis. International Conference on Asean and Globalisation.
In: International Conference on Asean and Globalisation, 25 – 26 July 2018, UniSZA Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Resad, Setyadi and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Assessing the Information Technology Governance Trust Using Readiness and Usability Models: A Model Development Study.
In: 2018 International Conference on ICT for Rural Development (IC-ICTRuDev), 2018, Bandung Regency, Indonesia.
Yuniarto, Dwi and Esa, Firmansyah and A'ang, Subiyakto and Mulya, Suryadi and Dody, Herdiana and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Integrating the Readiness and Usability Models for Assessing the Information System Use.
In: The 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018), August 7-9, 2018, Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan.
Cheng, Sheila and Siow, Heng Loke
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL):
An Alternative Entry Route to Higher Education in Malaysia.
In: International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIC 2018).
Dody, Herdiana and Dwi, Yuniarto and Esa, Firmansyah and Mulya, Suryadi and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Development of System Continuance Models for Assessing among Local E-Government in Indonesia.
In: International Conference Recent Innovation (ICRI) 2018, Jakarta Hall Convention Center, Indonesia..
Philips, John Arul
The Learning Revolution: Impacting Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogical Strategies in Higher Education.
In: 4th e-Learning and Distance Education Conference, 20-21 november 2017, Lahore, Pakistan.
Philips, John Arul
Digital Education Transforming Higher Education.
In: Institute of Certified Management Accountants Conference,Sri Lanka, 17-19 July 2017, Cinnamon Lake Side, Colombo.
Stanley, Ronald and Lorna, Uden
Why Projects Fail, from the Perspective of
Service Science.
In: 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations: Service and Cloud Computing.
Kee, Ho Wai and Hock, Oo Yu and Kueng, Kwong Chee
Corporate Governance Quality and Audit Quality in Malaysia.
In: SHS Web of Conferences.
Philips, John Arul
Implementing Blended Learning Across an Entire Curriculum to Enhance Student Engagement.
In: Blended Learning Asia Conference, 15-16 June 2016, Grand Copthorne, Singapore.
Yusup, Hashim
Cadangan Satu Standard Teknologi Pendidikan kebangsaan (STPK) Malaysia.
In: Malaysian online education.
Junaid, M. Shaikh and Dinh Thi, Bao Linh
Stock Market Listing Influence on Corporate Performance: Definitions and Assessment Tools.
In: International Conference on "Business capacity: Model and Assessment Tools", Hanoi.
Adam, Bakar and Dinh Ngoc, Duong
Evaluating Firm Value of Public Pharmaceutical Companies in Vietnam: A Capital Structure Assessment Approach.
In: International Conference of Business Capacity: Model and Assessment Tools, December, 2016, Hanoi.
Yashidevan, Saththasivam and Mohammad, Yazam Sharif
Developing a Research Framework: Lessons from
Malaysia's Hotel Industry.
In: 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Leaning Organization (ISCLO 2015).
Fazalur, Rahman and Mohmad, Yazam Sharif
Determinants of the Effectiveness of Leadership Development Programs: A Literature Review.
In: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference, 8-9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE.
Siow, Heng Loke and Cheng, Sheila
The Impact of Mobile Technology on the learning of Management Science, and the Development of Problem-solving Skills.
In: The Second International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, 16-17 July 2015, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Yusup, Hashim
21st century education: Are We Heading the Right Direction of Improving Teaching and Learning as Needed by educational Programme.
In: 8th International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2014, Concorde Inn, KLIA, Selangor Malaysia.
Sie, Bing and Aho, Anne Maria and Uden, Lorna
Communities of Practice as an Improvement Tool for Knowledge Sharing in a Multi-Cultural Learning Community.
In: The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud.
Stanley, Ronald
Cocreation and implementing ITIL service management in the Cloud: A case study.".
In: 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations.
Nurziyanti, Mohamad Khan and Azman, Ismail and Wan Aishah, Wan Mohd Nowalid and Nurul Hayati, Adnan and Nazatul Shima, Abdul Rani
Effect of Organizational Career Program on Employees' Career Commitment: An Islamic Perspective.
In: International Seminar on Global Education, 24 & 25 Februari 2014, Education Faculty, University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Yusup, Hashim and Yusri, Yusup
An Assessment/Investigation on Malaysia School Heads’ Technology Leadership Inclinations and Activities.
In: International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention, 16-18 September 2013, Golden Flower Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia,.
Irny, Suzila Ishak and Rose, Alinda Alias and Izwan, Suhadak Ishak and Zurinah, Suradi
ICT Innovation Strategy in Malaysia Public Research Institutes.
In: The Second International Conference on Information Technology and Business Application, 22-23 February 2013, Palembang, Indonesia.
Ishak, Iskandar Shah and Alias, Rose Alinda and Abu, Hassan R and Basaruddin, S and Suradi, Z.
The Status of Innovation Value Chain in One of Malaysia Public Research Institutes and Government Agencies.
In: 3rd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems-2013 (ICRIIS').
Sridhar, Mani
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Learning Transfer - Proposed Model for the Public Administration and Administration Development Institutes in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Countries.
In: Education and Training Program: Aligning Missions and Quality 2013 Joint Congress of IIAS-IASIA Addressing the Research Question “Evaluation”.
Kamsuriah, Ahmad and Reduan, Samad
Semantic based mapping from XML to relations.
In: 2012 8th International Conference on Information Science and Digital Content Technology (ICIDT2012), 26-28 June 2012, Jeju, South Korea.
Yusup, Hashim
Penggunaan e-Pembelajaran dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran yang Berkesan.
Kamsuriah, Ahmad and Hea, Khim Chiew and Reduan, Samad
Intelligent Schema Integrator (ISI): A Tool to Solve
the Problem of Naming Conflict for Schema
In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung, Indonesia.
Toh, Kidd S.C and S.M.F.D, Syed Mustapha
Towards Building Semantic Next Generation Network: A Preliminary Study.
In: The 8th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS).
Thami Munisah, Yusoff and Amzari, Abu Bakar
In: National Seminar on Information Technology in the Library, bayview Hotel, Penang Malaysia.
Arafeh, Karimi and Nurziyanti, Mohamad Khan and Yusup, Hashim
Mobile Learning Perception and Interest among Higher Education Distance Learners in Asia.
In: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Penang, Malaysia.
Kamsuriah, Ahmad and Azwan, Mohamed and Reduan, Samad
System Integration Model Based on Open Source Software (Oss).
In: 4th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ICIW 2009, 26 Mar 2009 - 27 Mar 2009, Cape Town.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:47:56 2025 UTC.