Number of items: 54.
Noor Hasliza, Che Seman and Juhary, Ali and Soon, Lean Keng
Determinants of Hand Hygiene Compliance and Practice Among Nurses from West-coast Malaysia.
International Journal of Allied Health Sciences, 9 (1).
pp. 3119-3131.
Nurulia, Eki Tiyas and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
Analysis of the Influence of Financial Stability on Accounting Fraud (Farud) and Company Performance Improvement.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Warsiyah, Warsiyah and Juhary, Ali
Bibliometric Analysis: Developmental Theory of Research Studies The Growth of SMEs in the Last Five Years.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Fakhrurozi, Moh and Juhary, Ali
Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS): Returns and Social Programs in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali
Customer Satisfaction in Mediation the Influence of Service Quality and Customer Loyalty.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Khulsum, Umi and Juhary, Ali
The Effect of Auditor's Competence on Audit Quality Go Public Company in Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Zuhriyah, Nur Azizah and Juhary, Ali
The Effect of Self-Efficiency on Employee Performance in Cooperative at Bali.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Saputeri, Noorikha Pandayahesti and Juhary, Ali
Financial Performance Analysis of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Aripin and Juhary, Ali
The Impact of Organization Citizenship Behavior on Quality Service in Padang Restaurant Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Risna, Meilia and Juhary, Ali
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Indonesian Post Office Employees.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali and Tulus, Suyanto and Pertiwi, Utami
Islamic Banking Loyalty in Indonesia: The Role Brand Image, Promotion, and Trust.
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Islam, 12 (1).
pp. 75-102.
Wibowo, Prasetio Ari and Juhary, Ali and Budiman, Johan
Mediating Factor of Strategy Business in the Relationship between Environmental and Business Performance.
Telaah Bisnis, 24 (2).
pp. 116-138.
Waluyo, Waluyo and Juhary, Ali
The Mediating Tax Complexity on The Influence of Tax Fairness and Transparency on Tax Compliance in Small and Medium Enterprises at Jakarta.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Juhary, Ali and Noraini, Ahmad
Phenomenological Study of Women Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Socio-Economic Growth in Malaysia.
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 1 (6).
pp. 1159-1169.
Hayati, Mardhiyah and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
The Power of Brand Image, E-Service Quality towards Purchase Decisions on e-commerce in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Utami, Pertiwi and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
The Role of Government and Good Governance in BAZNAS with Trust as Moderating: A Conceptual Perspective.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Sungkowo, Sungkowo and Juhary, Ali
The Role of Madrasah Principal and Human Resources Development in Improving the Quality of Madrasah Aliyah at Central Lampung.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Abdullah, Putri Allana and Juhary, Ali
Shared Leadership and Organizational Performance in DKI Jakarta.
In: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Juhary, Ali and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam
Successful of Asnaf Entrepreneur: The Role of Knowledge, Skills, and Ability.
AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance, 4 (3).
pp. 1-22.
Amalia, Lutfi and Juhary, Ali
Survey on the Use of Digital Innovation for SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Purnamasari, Femei and Juhary, Ali and Suryanto, Tulus
Training Method on Job Training Towards Competitive Advantage in Valuable Competence on Small and Medium Industries with Innovation Product as Mediation Variable.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali and Tulus, Suyanto
Unpacking the Impact of Customer Perceived Value and Competitive Advantage on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Trust.
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 8 (1).
pp. 60-77.
Anton, Hindarjo and Muhammad Fikri, Pratama and Juhary, Ali
Analysis of the Influence of Competence and Work Culture on Employee Performance with Moderation of Exit Intentions: A Case Study at Bank Syariah Indonesia.
International Journal of Management Science and Application, 1 (1).
pp. 1-17.
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Juhary, Ali and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Conceptual Model of Asnaf Entrepreneur Success.
International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 30 (1).
pp. 225-251.
Basrowi and Juhary, Ali and Tulus, Suyanto
The Customer Loyalty Research Trends: Bibliometry Analysis.
In: Prosiding The 2nd National Conference on Applied Business, Education, & Technology (NCABET), Unversitas Bina Bangsa.
Anton, Hindarjo and Juhary, Ali and Owin Jamasy, Djamaludin and Taufik, Hidayat and Willson, Gustiawan and Mardiyana and Muhammad, Doddy
Factors Affecting Behaviour of Paying Zakat in Greater Jakarta Indonesia.
Seybold Report, 17 (6).
pp. 72-80.
ISSN 1533 – 9211
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Juhary, Ali
A Measurement Model of Successful Halal Industry.
IQTISHADUNA Jurnal Ekonomi & Kewangan Islam, 13 (1).
pp. 23-34.
ISSN 2087 9938
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Juhary, Ali and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam
Why do Asnaf Entrepreneurs Become Successful? The Role of Intention, Opportunity, and Resources.
Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (Journal of Islamic Economics), 14 (1).
pp. 23-44.
ISSN 2087-135X
Buchori, Nur Syamsudin and Juhary, Ali and Aslam, Mohd Mizan
(I-iECONS 2021).
In: The International Islamic Economic System Conference – The 9th I-iECONS 2021.
Efri Syamsul, Bahri and Juhary, Ali and Mohd Mizan, Mohammad Aslam
A Measurement Model of Successful Muslim Entrepreneur.
International Journal of Islamic Business and Economics, 5 (1).
pp. 25-37.
ISSN 2599-3216
Bugi, Satrio Adiwibowo and Juhary, Ali
The Mediation Effect of Experience: Emotional Content and Facebook Usage Among Generation Z Netizens at the Selected Universities in Indonesia.
Forum Ilmiah, 18 (4).
pp. 686-696.
Nana, Sugiono and Elisa, Kusrini and Juhary, Ali and Suci, Miranda
The Effect of Employee, Management, Working Environment, and Safety Culture on Occupational Health and Safety Performance: A Case Study in an Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia.
The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (7).
pp. 268-279.
ISSN 2600-7916
Muhammad, Doddy and Juhary, Ali and Anton, Hindarjo and Cicih, Ratnasih
The Influence of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty on Brand Equity of Zakat Institutions.
In: The International Conference on Environmental and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19, ICETLAWBE 2020, 26 September 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Juhary, Ali
Redefining Business Model in Post Covid-19.
Juhary, Ali and Mardiyana, Noor and Owin Jamasy, Djamaludin
The Effect Of Transformational And Transactional Leadership On The Commitment Of Organization, Turnover, And Perfomance (At Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil, The Special Region Of Yogyakarta).
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 21 (3).
ISSN e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668
Wagimin, Mohd and Elisa, Kusrini and Juhary, Ali and Vembri, Noor Helia
The Effect of Leadership on Employee Performance with Total Quality Management (TQM) as a Mediating Variable in Indonesian Petroleum Companies: A Case Study.
International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 11 (5).
pp. 180-188.
Muhammad, Doddy and Juhary, Ali and Cicih, Ratnasih
The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness in The Relationship Between Brand Association and Intention to Pay Zakat in Indonesia Amil Zakat Institution.
Anton, Hindarjo and Juhary, Ali and Cicih, Ratnasih
Zakat Payment Rate in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi).
In: ICIDS 2019, September 10-12, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Juhary, Ali and Owin Jamasy, Djamaludin
Relationship Between Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction And Productivity In The Citarum River Restorationagencies, West Java,Republic Of Indonesia.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20 (9).
pp. 10-22.
ISSN e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668
Juhary, Ali and Ishak, Haji Ismail
Prinsip dan Amalan Pengurusan Edisi kedua.
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Puteri Fadzline, Tamyez and Juhary, Ali and Nazaruddin, Ishak
Entrepreneurial Competencies and Networks in the Construction Industry.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12 (23).
pp. 13374-13380.
ISSN 0973-4562
Puteri Fadzline, Tamyez and Nazaruddin, Ishak and Juhary, Ali
Entrepreneurial Competencies and Networks: A Qualitative Study.
International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (8).
ISSN 2146-4405
Koon, Vui Yee and Juhary, Ali
The Mediating Effect of HRM Practices on the Relationship Between Business Strategy and Employee Outcomes.
Paper presented at the AeU - International Research Conference.
pp. 1-14.
Mak, Met and Ibrahim, Ali and Juhary, Ali
Do Monetary Reward and Job Satisfaction Influence Employee Performance? Evidence from Malaysia.
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 3 (11).
pp. 184-200.
ISSN 2235-767X
Nazaruddin, Ishak and Juhary, Ali
Effects of Entrepreneurial Competencies and Business Networks on Business Success of Small Size Contractors in Malaysia.
Paper presented at 3rd Asian SME Conference, 26-30 October 2015, Miri, Sarawak.
Juhary, Ali and Arman Hadi, Abdul Manaf and Latifah, Abdul Latif
Organizational Justice as a Predictor of Self-Perveived Work Performance: A Perspective from the Malaysian Higher Educational Institution.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (23).
pp. 319-325.
ISSN 2039 - 2117
Juhary, Ali and Ali Bambang, Bemby and Ilham, Sentosa
The Intelligence, Emotional, Spiritual Quotients and Quality of Managers.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Administration and Management, 13 (3).
ISSN 2249-4588
Arman Hadi, Abdul Manaf and Juhary, Ali
Organizational Cultural Traits: the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Corporate Members' Attitudes.
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change Organization, University Center, Chicago, USA, 6-8 July 2012.
pp. 1-18.
Koon, Vui Yee and Juhary, Ali
The Relationship between Business Strategy and HRM Practices in Private and Public Limited Companies in Malaysia.
Journal of Business Management and Accounting, 1 (2).
pp. 1-14.
Abdul Hamid, Abdullah and Raja Mohamed Fauzi, Raja Musa and Juhary, Ali
The development of Human Resource Practitioner Competency Model perceived by Malaysian human resource practitioners and consultants: a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach.
International Journal of Business and Management, 6 (11).
pp. 240-255.
ISSN 1833-8119
Mohd Noor, Mohd Shariff and Chea, Peou and Juhary, Ali
Moderating Effect of Government Policy on Entrepreneurship and Growth Performance of Small-Medium Entreprises in Combodia.
International Journal of Business and Management Science, 3 (1).
pp. 57-72.
ISSN 1985-692X
Samsudin, Wahab and Nor Azila, Mohd Noor and Juhary, Ali and Kamaruzaman, Jusoff
Relationship between Customer Relation Management Performance and E-Banking Adoption : A Look at Malaysian Banking Industry.
International Journal of Business and Management, 4 (12).
pp. 122-128.
Samsudin, Wahab and Nor Azila, Mohd Noor and Juhary, Ali
Technology Trust and E-Banking Adoption: The Mediating Effect of Customer Relationship Management Performance.
The Asian Journal of Technology Management., 2 (2).
pp. 40-49.
Juhary, Ali and Ilham, Sentosa
The mediating effect of good governance on the relationship
between managerial roles and personal development: A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach.
Journal of US-China Public Administration, 5 (6).
ISSN 1548-6591
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 16:55:28 2025 UTC.