Number of items: 15.
Setyadi, Resad and Aedah, Abd Rahman and A'ang, Subiyakto
The Role of Information Technology in Governance Mechanism for Strategic Business Contribution: A Pilot Study.
JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 7 (3-2).
pp. 2135-2144.
A'ang, Subiyakto and Amimah, Amimah and Evy, Nurmiati and Zulfiandri, Zulfiandri and Eri, Rustamaji and Tri, Haryanto and T.K.A, Rahman
Investigating User Experience to Redesign User Interface Using User-Centered Design Approach.
ICIC Express Letters, 13 (8).
pp. 861-868.
ISSN 2185-2766
Dody, Herdiana and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
System Continuance Success of the Local Electronic Government in Indonesia.
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 13 (10).
pp. 1001-1008.
Muhammad, Qomarul Huda and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Online Group Purchasing Environment, the Effects of Price Discounts and Crowd Psychology on Purchasing Behavior.
International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems, 4 (3).
pp. 192-205.
Resad, Setyadi and Aedah, Abd Rahman and A'ang, Subiyakto and Anwar, Fattah
Trust of Information Technology Governance in High School
Institution (HSI): A Conceptual Framework.
International Journal Of Science, Technology & Management, 2 (1).
pp. 844-855.
ISSN 2722-4015
Dwi, Yuniarto and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Technology Readiness and Usability of Office Automation System in Suruban Areas.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, 18 (2).
pp. 676-684.
ISSN 1693-6930
Dwi, Yuniarto and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman and Reny, Rian Mardiana
Assessment of Readiness and Usability of Information System Use.
JOIN (Jurnal Online Informatika), 4 (1).
ISSN 2527-1682 (Print) 2527-9165 (Online)
Esa, Firmansyah and Yuniarto, Dwi and Herdiana, Dwi and Mulya, Suryadi and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Integrating the Readiness and IS-Impact Constructs in the Rural Area Context: A Model Development.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 662.
pp. 1-11.
Resad, Setyadi and Aedah, Abd Rahman and A'ang, Subiyakto
Statistical and Interpretative Analyses for Testing Customer Trust Questionnaires on IT Governance.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 662 (2).
pp. 1-7.
Asrul, Sani and A'ang, Subiyakto and T.K.A, Rahman
Model Kesiapan dan Adopsi Teknologi Informasi di Antara Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Indonesia.
Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia..
Conference or Workshop Item
A'ang, Subiyakto and Rohadatul, Aisy and Bernadus, Gunawan Sudarsono and Manorang, Sihotang and Didik, Setiyadi and Asrul, Sani
Empirical Evaluation of User Experience Using Lean Product and Process Development: A Public Institution Case Study in Indonesia.
In: The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference, 8 - 9 August 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Bernadus, Gunawan Sudarsono and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Benefit Realization Model of Information System Strategic Planning Success: A Proposed Model.
In: International Conference Recent Innovation (ICRI) 2018, Jakarta Hall Convention Center, Indonesia.
Resad, Setyadi and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Assessing the Information Technology Governance Trust Using Readiness and Usability Models: A Model Development Study.
In: 2018 International Conference on ICT for Rural Development (IC-ICTRuDev), 2018, Bandung Regency, Indonesia.
Dody, Herdiana and Dwi, Yuniarto and Esa, Firmansyah and Mulya, Suryadi and A'ang, Subiyakto and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Development of System Continuance Models for Assessing among Local E-Government in Indonesia.
In: International Conference Recent Innovation (ICRI) 2018, Jakarta Hall Convention Center, Indonesia..
Yuniarto, Dwi and Esa, Firmansyah and A'ang, Subiyakto and Mulya, Suryadi and Dody, Herdiana and Aedah, Abd Rahman
Integrating the Readiness and Usability Models for Assessing the Information System Use.
In: The 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018), August 7-9, 2018, Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:47:56 2025 UTC.